
My proposal was about getting out in landscape. Of working between viewing/framing it, working in and with it, and trying in some way to distill the feeling of landscape. Of exploring the dialogues between myself and landscape. How relationships and connections shift and change.

Well, things have changed. There’s been a seismic shift in how I can even begin to connect with landscape. Specifically, landscape here. I can’t get there anymore. I can’t explore the places I want to explore and here has become all that more foreign.

It was suggested that I look at working with landscapes in my space. This space feels a bit depressing. It’s not home at all. Our stuff isn’t here and there’s no history or connection. Making artwork about it would increase that feeling of being stuck. I’d rather look out I think. Another suggestion was to walk as far as is possible under current conditions and work in the landscape I can reach. It doesn’t hold any appeal at the minute. I don’t want to leave the kids and be out, I wouldn’t be able to concentrate and also, the places I get to hold no meaning for me.

I’m stuck with how to rewrite the project. I don’t really know where to start.  I’m enjoying the theory, the readings, the tangents but I can’t turn it into art I enjoy.

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