You are the mirror

In my work for this project can I use the one small sliver of landscape which I have access to and weave into it stories and myths, emotions and feelings? If these play back to me from the tree, and I record them again do I lose the tree itself, do I lose the stories or am I building something new. How can a landscape hold me in it, how can I be held in a landscape? I can be drawn closer to this piece of landscape as my own stories are reflected on its needles and as I spend day after day with it looming over my lounge room. I can read its symbolism in stories and myths. The cross, the arc, Hades, Plato, its histories and its very feet entwined with death. I can ignore the tree. Close the blinds, although one has stuck so it can always at least peek at me, and turn on the inside lights, face the other way, sit inside the blanket fort we have built in which to watch tv. Like any landscape I can be drawn in and out. Distance/proximity.

Can this one instance of tree stand in for a way of looking at a landscape to look back into yourself? Looking into yourself as a way of existing in landscape. Does this then involve an erasure of the landscape/self? Erasure. Dissolution.

Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror – Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

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