Installation 02

I wandered downstairs to explore this space as a possibility for the exhibition. It measures about 12m x 7m with 3m height to the tracks. Would mean creating a 7mx3m frame to hold whatever material used for the reverse projection. I could sit this frame approx 7m up the room, leaving 5m for people to stand in. I’d like a bit of feeling of claustrophobia, of the film pressing in on you but enough room for the silhouettes to be scaled as the viewer steps towards and away from the screen. I also borrowed a projector to try out some different materials.

  • Perspex – opacity? thickness? Considerations of weight and ability to hold own weight without warping. Need for bracing, framing.
  • Fabric – Cotton? Lycra? need to stretch over a frame. Bracing corners of frame? Clear perspex to keep them square?

Thinking too about the possibility of needing two projectors to cover the wide screen. The films repeat, the play forwards then reverse on themselves. Like Gordon’s 24 Hour Psycho Back and Forth and To and Fro (2008), I could play two versions of the film. One running forward the other backwards. They would meet at a point, tight and condensed, merged into a single point, imprint like a folded ink painting then race away from each other, an expanding Rorschach test.

Related posts: Installation 01

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